This is the real thing! If you're serious about getting involved in the most amazing sport on the planet this is the course you should embark on! We will teach you everything from the ground up so after your second day you will be getting up on a board and doing your first runs. It's a real from zero-to-hero programme designed to make it easy for anyone to properly start their adventure with kitesurfing.
Day 1
What will you learn?
Come and take the plunge with our top instructors. You will feel like you're floating in space.
Identifying weather conditions, spot risk assessment - so you will confident when coming to the beach on your own after the course.
Theory behind flying a kite and the wind window - before we hit the water you will learn theory behind flying kites and the wind window. It's much simpler than it sounds.
Kitesurfing gear setup - you will learn how to properly set up your kite, bar and lines. And how to pack them down so you won't end up with a bowl of kitesurfing-lines-spaghetti at your next session.
Safety systems - kitesurfing came a long way since its origins in the early 2000's. You will learn how to use the safety systems on your kite. It's safer than you've ever imagined!
Safety systems - kitesurfing came a long way since its origins in the early 2000's. You will learn how to use the safety systems on your kite. It's safer than you've ever imagined!
Flying the kite - you will learn how to keep the kite stable in the air and how to move it across the sky, how to generate power through movement and how to fly it with one hand.
Body dragging - something every kitesurfer does during every single session. You will keep on loosing your board whenever you'll be trying new things. Body dragging lets you to recover the lost board.

Day 2
What will you learn?
The Power Stroke - you will learn how to use just enough of kite's power to get you up on the board.
Did we say "board"? - Yep, the Holly Grail - we will teach you how to get up on the board and do your first runs!
Right of Way Rules - you will learn how to safely use the beach with other beach users (kitesurfers, windsurfers, surfers and the general public).
Safely entering and exiting the water - you will learn how to get out on the water and come back ashore safely. This includes assisted kite launch and landing.
Self rescue - so you can get yourself safely ashore if you will ever get into any difficulties on the water.
Practice - this day is all about practice and repetition. We will make sure you have remembered everything from the course and that you feel confident with coming to the beach on your own. We will re-run elements of the course that you're less comfortable with until you'll be ready to hit the water!
Most of our students carry on on their own from this point onwards. Having said that you can always approach us after the course for tips and advice. Besides, when it's windy we're normally out there and we're always happy to help our students. If you feel that you need some coaching to up your game, let us know and we will arrange a 1-to-1 sessions. Second Day lessons typically last up to 4h depending on how long our students can last and focus for.

Want to try kitesurfing but unsure if it's for you? Then our one day IKO kitesurfing course is a perfect choice. You will quickly learn the theory, safety procedures, you will gain kite flying skills and learn how to perform body dragging.
A complete beginner package - you will learn all the basics, safety, kite flying skills and first runs on the kiteboard. From zero to hero!
Need some refresh of your kitesurfing lessons or you simply want to nail new moves? You will have our IKO qualified instructor just for yourself!
If you take a course with us you'll need some pointers down the line feel free to grab us at the beach, we're always happy to help our former students!