Kitesurfing School Event Scotland
Kiteboarding is very much community-focused sport. Unlike surfers we like to stick together, ride together and keep an eye out on each other. It’s like mafia, once you’re in, there’s no way out! It keeps us safe and watching others ride ups your motivation levels to keep on progressing.
You meet a lot of new friends from all walks of life that will keep on messaging you at 5am that there’s some decent wind at the local spot! That’s why we love running events and here’s a short photo gallery from the last one in Sands of Luce Holiday Park!
Our events are all about socialising, kiting together to the hearts contempt, learning new stuff during the free clinics and enjoying the company of like-minded people. These aren’t hardcore kitesurfing events.
Most of kiters take all their families with them as Sands of Luce has so much to offer on site! Beautiful, long beach with sand dunes protecting from the wind, play areas for the wee ones and amazing on-site accommodation with lots of space for those who prefer camping to caravanning.
It’s also an opportunity for family members to give kitesurfing or SUP’ing a go during our free kitesurfing lessons and taster sessions. Kitesurfers on the other hand have an opportunity to test out new equipment from our partners – including kites, twintip boards or even giving our strapless surfboards and foil boards a try!
We’ve had an amazing time last weekend and we’re already gearing up towards our autumn event so watch this space. We’ll have some brand new kit to demo, a Big Air competition for all levels of experience (as long as you can get off the water), lots of amazing food, music and time to wind down.
We will email everyone who took kitesurfing lessons in Scotland with us with a fixed date for the event. See you there in the autumn!
I was down in London for the weekend… any firmer dates on the big air one? november again?
We don’t have a firm date yet but we’ll post an update on our Facebook page as soon as it’s confirmed. We are looking either on the last weekend of September or first weekend of October.