Scientists Confirmed: Beach is Good For You!
Every kitesurfer has his own reasons to take up the sport. For some of us it’s a stress-buster, a form of meditation, a way to chill and run away from the busy lives. For the others it’s all about heaps of adrenaline and going as hard as they can. But we all always knew what scientists has confirmed recently: the beach has awesome effects on our health.
I for one could never live too far from the water. And I’ve always found an excuse to head out. As soon as you’ll start kiting, surfing or sailing you get the bug suddenly the perspective on life shifts. Scientists call this a “blue space”. The water has a soothing effect on mind and helps to tackle a number of things:
1. It reduces depression
It helps you to take mind off things eating you from the inside. The mixture of sound of waves, the view and the smell helps you to get into meditative space. Being on the water clears your mind and helps to gain a new perspective on things. It’s the place where you can switch off and simply enjoy what you’re doing there and then. Having an awesome local kitesurfing community helps a lot too!

2. Helps to shed the stress
You can try massages, yoga or running. But nothing takes the stress away quite like getting up on the board. As soon as you’re in the water all the problems seem to go away. There are no new email notifications, calls from PPI claims people and constant ToDo list reminders that you dismiss anyway. It’s weird how couple of hours of switching off can rewire your brain.
3. It boosts creativity
We all know about those, erm… “alpha moments” under the shower when solutions come out of nowhere. Same goes for staying near the water… or even better, on it! The issue is that these “eureka” type of thoughts typically end up in a spectacular wipeout as you stop concentrating on what you’re doing. Oh well, not the first, not the last!
4. It completely changes your perspective on the world
It seems that we’re all constantly on the run. Waking up at 7am to rush to work for 9, fighting through pointless meetings till 5. Then sitting annoyed in the traffic missing green as someone in front of you checks his Facebook notifications. Then shopping, something fast to eat, Netflix and bed. And repeat. Then the weekend comes with all the things planned heading out the window.
But there’s so much more to life! So get out there, meet new people, pick up new skills… and keep on checking the weather every 20 minutes making sure there’s enough wind to go kiting after work… or to justify pulling off a sickie. If there’s none grab a SUP board and explore the coastline, catch some small waves and enjoy the water.
So don’t think about it – act today and join some of the happiest people on the planet!